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Are you an outdoor venue?

Theatre In The Park is an INDOOR theatre located in the Northern end of Pullen Park. Our performances take place inside a fully air-conditioned black box theatre.

What is your policy on cell phones and other electronic devices?

Cell phones and other electronic devices should be silenced during a performance while inside the theatre.  If an emergency should occur, please quietly exit the theatre and feel free to make use of our lobby or outside garden.

What should I wear to a show?

Anything you would like! We welcome our patrons to come in whatever they are comfortable in (although we do ask you wear a shirt and shoes!).

What happens if I’m late to a show?

Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of our house manager. Please be aware that you may not be seated in your assigned seats until intermission. All performances are broadcast in the lobby on closed circuit television for your convenience.

Is your theatre space available for rent to other performance groups?

Because our building is owned and maintained by the City of Raleigh, we are not able to rent out the performance space or any of the rooms.

Is a seating chart available?

Orientation and positioning of the seating may vary from show to show.  Once the seating configuration has been decided, it will be posted on that production’s page. Please be advised that “Section 2” is always positioned as the center section. Click here for our standard seat map.

Is your theatre accessible to persons with disabilities?

Yes, Theatre In The Park is fully accessible to persons with disabilities. For more information, please review our Accessibility Page.

How do I audition for A Christmas Carol?

Please visit our Audition Page for information on auditioning for A Christmas Carol.

How do I audition for a show during your season?

Please visit our Audition Page for information on upcoming auditions.

What is your inclement weather policy?

All tickets are purchased at the risk of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.  Tickets will not be refunded for any reason and exchanges are done at the discretion of management.

What is your ticket policy?

This ticket is a revocable license to the bearer only and may be revoked at any time for any reason. The holder of this ticket voluntarily assumes all risks and danger incidental to the event for which the ticket is issued, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the event. Holder voluntarily agrees that the management, facility, participants, artists, and all other respective agents, officers, directors, owners, and employees are expressly released by holder from any claims incidental to the event or purpose for which the ticket is issued. Management is not responsible for articles lost, misplaced, or stolen at the event for which this ticket grants admission. Time, date, location, and performers of the event are subject to change. Theatre In The Park is an indoor venue. All tickets are purchased at the risk of inclement weather. This ticket will not be refunded for any reason and exchanges are done at the discretion of management. Shipping, handling, and service charges are non-refundable, even if event is cancelled. Unclaimed tickets may be released and resold at curtain time.  Latecomer seating at discretion of theatre management. THE RECORDING OF PERFORMANCES, INCLUDING PHOTOGRAPHS, AUDIO, AND VIDEO, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  PLEASE TURN OFF ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING EVENT.
